Enchiladas Suizas

There are a lot of theories about how these enchiladas became “Swiss.” Some people think they originated in the kitchen of the Emperor Maximillian, back when the French invaded Mexico. Some say that it is because Swiss immigrants to Mexico usually went into the dairy business and these […]

Pan de Plátano

We recently had some bananas that were getting nicely sweet and ripe and needed to be used in some way. Usually, I make banana bread and that is what I did again. But this time, I used a recipe from Marge Poore’s 1,000 Mexican Recipes cookbook. I noticed […]

Arroz Amarillo

Mexican rice comes in many colors. This rice uses achiote (annatto) seeds which infuse a saffron-like color to the rice. In fact, these seeds are sometimes referred to as “poor man’s saffron.” This recipe is typical of the Yucatán region of Mexico, as well as it’s Gulf Coast. […]

La Llorona

As Halloween approaches, I thought I’d make a “spooky” drink. This drink caught my eye, not just for how it looks, but because of its name: La Llorona. As a kid, we would always hear stories about creatures that would come and get us if we misbehaved. One […]

México 70

I haven’t posted a drink/cocktail recipe since last May. Thankfully, I had the chance to try many of my favorites this past summer. While summer is over, here is one we savored watching some great World Cup games.  It is a bit late for warm weather (at least […]